Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Back Sooner than expected

When we were due to go to our dog show/holiday we still had one female due to birth so in the end Mike stayed behind to make sure all went well. Lucky that he did as the cria needed some extra attention as the mother's milk was slow in coming down.

As it happens the dog agility show that I went to was called off due to bad weather, which is most unusual because most of us are mad enough to compete in all weathers. The fields where the show was held were flooded and although various attempts to move to higher ground were tried it was eventually abandoned because of health and safety issues when the flood water started to effect drainage and toilet facilities. It was very disappointing for all the competitors and gut renching for the organisers who put in months of work prior to a big event like this.

Hence I am home and trying to catch up with the farm accounts and making a quick entry on the blog. Today's pictures are of the new additions to the herd.

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