Friday, 19 February 2021


There really is nothing that I can think of that I want to look back on at the moment so not really any point in the blog so this will probably be my last entry for a while unless something memorable happens.

 Weather is miserable, the daily farm routine is fine and we still need to look after our few remaining alpacas and the hens, and the fields and hedges still need regular attention but with the Covid 19 restrictions very little else is happening in our lives.

I am going to try and get to grips with Ebay as we have plenty of items we will need to move on as and when we leave the farm so we might as well start gradually.   

I still have a few hand knitted items for sale at

What do you want to do ?
New mail

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Same Old


What do you want to do ?
New mail
Unfortunately because of Covid Restrictions and depressing weather there really is nothing worth recording really.   Of course there are jobs to do around the farm - looking after the chickens and alpacas but this takes only a couple of hours in the morning and checks during the day.

We are catching up with some property maintenance jobs - touching up paint on the doors and Mike has been doing some small repairs that were needed.

We are progressing quite well with the dolls house restoration.   Much of the rubbing down has been done and it is spread out in pieces in the office.  Most of the hinges are rusty and we are going to have to source new ones which are small enough.   Probably need to find a specialist supplier online.Mike is also repairing thing like the stair case and banisters.  It is interesting to see how much there is online for modellers and restorers.

The weather has been really awful for what seems likes weeks.  All the fields are muddy and the dogs get filthy every times we let them any further than the farm yard.   Thankfully, Ted,my young dog has short fur so he can stay outside with me more, which is nice.  Dodger has longer fur and often has to be hosed off as he does not understand the concept of walking - only flat out running.

I have an old washing machine which I use for washing dog towels, coats (which they wear indoors when drying out) and any other items for the animals.  It is running several times a week at the moment.

We could all do with some sunshine soon.

I am still training Ted for agility and we both love it, but goodness knows whether dog shows will come back with the same popularity as before.   I hope so - but it needs to be soon or I really will be too old.

Monday, 1 February 2021

Rain and Mist prevail

 Nothing much is happening apart from the normal jobs.  Collecting Eggs, cleaning out the hen house, clearing up alpaca poo in the field, which are not very exciting tasks at the best of times and become really a pain when combined with rain, drizzle and mist.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a little better and we are hoping to do some catching up when Nick and Jon come.

Whilst I was out having my covid vaccination we had a delivery and when we got home we found the delivery van stuck in the mud in the driveway.  Half of the drive is gravel right across and the rest has a grassy verge.  He was stuck on the verge and had dug himself in deeper and deeper trying to get out.  We felt really sorry for him and he was very embarrassed.

Luckily we have a four wheel drive truck and Mike was able to pull him out but there is now a muddy patch with deep deep tyre marks whre there ued to be grass.  Tomorrow, all being well,  Mike and Nick will be erecting one of our old farm gates across the drive so that people cannot get stuck in future.

What do you want to do ?
New mail
What do you want to do ?
New mail