Monday 10 August 2009

Getting ready

We are going away for a couple of weeks soon and leaving the farm in the hands of our trusty farm sitters, so we are trying to make things as easy as possible for them by getting most of the jobs done and leaving them information to make their stay as easy as possible. Far from being empty there will be more people on site than usual, which is reassuring for us.

David and Jane are going to trim toe nails for us which will be a major job out of the way. Jane is very good with the alpacas and David has his own flock of sheep so those sort of things are just routine for him. We usually do it ourselves of course, but when someone volunteers we cannot disappoint them by refusing!!

Only two more cria due and we are not convinced that one of the Mums is still pregnant. She is showing some signs of discomfort which might mean that she is thinking of giving birth but she does not look as wide as she normally does when pregnant. We are hoping they will both oblige within the next day or so.

At the moment we have 7 female cria and 5 males left after one male and one female cria were sold with their mothers. It would be great to finish the year with two more girls but we'll be pleased with whatever we have as long as they are healthy.

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