Friday, 26 October 2012

Winter is incuminin

Well, it has been a bad summer and now we are having a taste of winter!   Today we have had a north wind driving really damp air and drizzle alternating with rain.

Three of the young does have been sold and moved to their new owners in the village.  They live on a hillside so it should suit them down to the ground.

All the other goats have been brought inside and their health and their feet are much improved.  The two bucks have been fighting a little but we think it is partly because they are enclosed in a small area and also they can probably smell the does and it is "that time of year"  for goats and sheep.   We are not breeding from the older does this year and have sold the younger ones who would have been ready.  We will see how things go next year.

The sheep seem to take everything in their stride and are certainly no trouble so far.

Things are getting exciting in the house now.  The outside has been finished apart from where the porch is going.  Most of the internal walls have been plaster boarded and the plumber and electrician are doing the first fix.   The downstairs floor will be done next week.   The under floor insulation is already down.   I am thinking that we will probably not need any heating at all given all the insulation that has gone into the build so far.   I am worried that there will not be enough air getting in for breathing!!  We have chosen  the sanitary ware for the bathroom and ordered the range cooker.  I need to decide on kitchen units so the electrician and plumber know where to put their wires, sockets and pipes etc:

We revisited the flooring company and have chosen a different stone floor.   It is lighter in colour and turns out to be cheaper too, which is a bonus, although the overall price will be the same as we forgot to include the porch when we asked for the quote originally.

We have started to wean this year's cria and seven females have moved down to the winter paddocks.  This number will increase over time as we wean the rest of the cria.  

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