Sunday, 15 May 2011

Blog down

Blog has been down so unable to update!!  Photos are - first cria (male)of 2011 meeting the aunties!!  Me holding a kid waiting to be weighed and having a quick cuddle!!  Charlie wants to be let  out of jail!!

We had what seems to be our annual coffee morning in aid of Devon Air Ambulance on Saturday.  It was well attended and  our thanks go to all our helpers and all the dog handlers who came along to give the morning some entertainment by demonstrating their agility skills.  We think the takings will be about £300 by the time the collection tin contents are added to the entry price, raffle, cake stall and plant sale money.

The paddocks are lovely and green at the moment but  the ground is extremely hard and desperately needs some rain to ensure that growth continues.

At last I have got my vegetable garden started!!  I bought some bedding plants at a stall at Tunbridge Wells Dog Show and also picked up some marrow, courgette, cabbage, Pak choy, and lettuce plants.   Neighbour Pam has promised some runner bean plants so all I have to do now is remember to water them and keep them weed free.   My strawberry plants are also doing very well and there are a lot of strawberrries waiting to ripen.  I am off to Axminster tomorrow to get some netting so the birds do not get them first like they did last year.    I have the remains of a sack of potatoes and I am going to put them in a tub to see if they will reproduce.   It will be good if they do, but no loss if they don't.

The kids are due for their first vaccinations on Tuesday.   It only seems a short while since they were born.   They are certainly very lively and happy and still cute looking with their little devil horns peeking through.

We keep getting birds flying in and out.   I have to remember to shut the office door when I am in there or a swallow with dive in and out again and there is evidence of bird presence in the dog kennels and one flew into the kitchen yesterday morning.  Luckily they all seem to be sensible enough to find their way out again - must be bird silly season!  There also seem to be a lot of bees both honey and bumble which presumably is a good thing as there was so much talk of bees being the subject of disease and dying out.

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