Monday, 23 January 2017

Two out of three OK
I would like to have a photo but panic prevented me from collecting the camera.

Two events today - luckily so far the third has not materialised.  A minor offence - I put the veggies on for dinner and thought I would "just spend a few minutes catching up on my emails" and, of course got involved and forgot.   The top of the stove looked as though it had been sprayed with some sort of fire preventing foam, but it was just starch from the potatoes.  What a lovely mess to clear up.  Luckily the saucepan had not burnt dry and set the fire alarm off.  I know that can happen - not telling you how I know!!!

The second event was that the post man, who collects the mail orders going out from the business, knocked on our front door and alerted Mike to the presence of one of our alpacas on the verge outside the farm  (the main A358 road).   He (Mike) had accidentally left a gate partially open, leaving just enough room for an alpaca to get through.   Luckily just one of the older girls wandered out and none of the others had noticed before the postie alerted us to the problem.

Luckily Citrine, the escapee, wandered back in the farm gate and with the help of the talented Dolly (the dog) we managed to chase her back into the paddock where she belonged.

We are optimists, so , maybe things do not come in threes!!  Let us hope!!

1 comment:

aliraja said...

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do