Monday, 18 August 2014

End of an Era for Us

Mike has decided that he is not going to compete at dog agility competitions with his dog, Jake, anymore, so we are going to sell our lovely caravan.  We have had it for several years but have only used it for a few weekends a year and the dogs have not been allowed in it, so we have been advised that it should be easy to sell.  Time will tell.

On the up side, Mike will be on the farm when I go to shows and he will be on hand to keep an eye on the alpacas and "spare" dogs at home.   I am guessing there will be a trade off of some kind, but that has not been revealed as yet.  Days out at motor racing events are a possibility, I feel.

Of course as soon as we pulled the caravan out into the field to take photos and give it a clean up, the alpacas thought they had better check it out!!

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