At long last a couple of dry days. It make such a difference. We spend the best part of most mornings cleariing the paddock where the hens and female alpacas reside.
The hens are still confined to barracks and are just allowed out whilst I clean up. They are getting more and more reluctant to return to their indoor quarters and even resist Ted's attempts to get them indoors again sometimes meet resistance. Can't blame them really, especially on nice sunny dry mornings. Sadly the rules are still in force and I cannot allow them to free range which is what they are (or were) used to. The Defra Website is not very easy to navigate. It refers to a Surveillance zone but my searches do not reveal any information about the zone.
Otherwise we are runing quite a happy ship at the moment. Freddie and Inchic seem very happy sharing the back paddock with my agility training area and we have quite a lot of flexibility to give them extra grazing when they have cleared an area.
This morning when I went up to clear up in their paddojk I found that Freddie had entered the agility area. There was a barrier up to the shed but it looked as though he might have just walked up to it and found it easy to push out so that there was just enough room for him to walk through. He went back in happily enough when I opened the proper gate. Inchic was oblivious to the whole episode.
I think I have now secured it so he can't get through again.
There is still some stock available on our website