Sunday 17 November 2013

Pedicure Time

We have been gradually working our way through the routine husbandry for the alpacas and finally finished by trimming their toe nails.  It was a nice easy job as they are all well behaved and the wet weather has kept the nails soft and easy to cut.   Sometimes in long spells of dry weather the nails seem to be as hard as stone.

One of the young males had a strange foot problem which we treated with  antibiotic spray and an injection followed by regular checks and further application of the spray.  The treatment has obviously worked because, apart from pink feet where the spray has weathered, his feet look quite normal again.

The hens are starting to produce fewer eggs with the days being shorter and several have decided that the hay rack in one of the shelters is an ideal nesting spot, which means that we have to remember to check it daily before any other animals accidentally crack them.

This evening when I shut them in I found the cockerell with his wing over Chicken Licken (the old pet hen).  I do not know whether he was cold or he thought she was but it definitely explained the expression "to take someone under your wing".  Unfortunately I think I disturbed them, but I like to think that they snuggled up again when I had done my head count.

With our Christmas Market coming up, Mike is going great guns at clearing out the barn and neatly stowing away the dangerous farm machinery, which he loves.  I have been labelling and arranging all our alpaca products  and have bought some extra stock in ready for the Christmas "rush".

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