Tuesday 19 November 2013

Tidying Up


We are making the most of the weather to prepare for the winter ahead.   We sent the three older male alpacas who normally free-range around the house and barn areas down the race which separates our paddocks from the perimeter fence.  The grass was in need of a trim up and the boys enjoyed the fresh grazing but after a couple of days they kept coming back up to the gate in the hope that they could access their normal shelter and, I think, be part of the "family" including the dogs and chickens.  They are now back in their home territory  and enjoying being Lords of all they Survey again.

The chicken run was very muddy and unpleasant for me when feeding and cleaning them, so I went to our local sand and gravel merchants, who normally supply our scalpings etc: and chose some gravel which Mike spread around their run.   They free range during the day but are shut in for their own safety overnight.
They were so pleased that the cockrell (see photo) was even contemplating a bit of agility!

Millie, our oldest Collie, likes to feel that she can mingle where she pleases and on the whole none of the other animals seem to object.  We have to keep an eye on her because she is not averse to pinching the occasional egg for herself.

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